Now You Access The Moon Represents My Heart

The Moon Represents My HeartThe Moon Represents My Heart

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Book Descriptions :

A lush, buoyant novel for fans of The Immortalists and Everything I Never Told You, The Moon Represents My Heart follows a Chinese-British family of time travelers as they seek connections over borders?both national borders and those created by time.A love lost in time. An eternity to find it. The Wang family are hiding a secret?they all have the ability to time travel. When parents Joshua and Lily depart for the past and never return, their children Tommy and Eva are forced to deal with their grief alone. Eva might be trying to find her place in the present, but Tommy is pulled further and further into a past that he hopes holds the truth. When he falls in love with a woman from 1930s London Chinatown, his inability to confront his own history has serious ramifications for the people who can truly bring him happiness. Heartfelt and hopeful, weaving through decades and across continents and told through incredible prose, The Moon Represents My Heart is an unforgettable debut about .

Book Details :

Author : Pim Wangtechawat

Pages : 384 pages

Publisher : Blackstone Publishing

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 59567746-the-moon-represents-my-heart

ISBN-13 : 9798212340038


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