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Confessions of an Ugly StepsisterConfessions of an Ugly Stepsister

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Book Descriptions :

We have all heard the story of Cinderella, the beautiful child cast out to slave among the ashes. But what of her stepsisters, the homely pair exiled into ignominy by the fame of their lovely sibling? What fate befell those untouched by beauty ... and what curses accompanied Cinderella's looks?Set against the backdrop of seventeenth-century Holland, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister tells the story of Iris, an unlikely heroine who finds herself swept from the lowly streets of Haarlem to a strange world of wealth, artifice, and ambition. Iris's path quickly becomes intertwined with that of Clara, the mysterious and unnaturally beautiful girl destined to become her sister. While Clara retreats to the cinders of the family hearth, Iris seeks out the shadowy secrets of her new household -- and the treacherous truth of her former life. .

Book Details :

Author : Gregory Maguire

Pages : 372 pages

Publisher :

Language : en-US

ISBN-10 : 18943.Confessions_of_an_Ugly_Stepsister

ISBN-13 : 9780060987527


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