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Salt & BroomSalt & Broom

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Book Descriptions :

A gifted healer unravels the mysteries of a cursed estate?and its enigmatic owner?in a witchy retelling of Jane Eyre . "Salt and broom, make this room Safe and tight, against the night." Trunks packed with potions and cures, Jane Aire sets out on a crisp, clear morning in October to face the greatest challenge of her sheltered girls?-school existence. A shadow lies over Thornfield Hall and its reclusive master, Edward Rochester. And he?s hired her only as a last resort. Jane stumbles again and again as she tries to establish a rapport with her prickly new employer, but he becomes the least of her worries as a mysterious force seems to work against her. The threats mount around both Jane and Rochester?who?s becoming more intriguing and appealing to her by the day. Jane begins to fear her herb healing and protective charms may not be enough to save the man she?s growing to love from a threat darker and more dangerous than either of them imagined. .

Book Details :

Author : Sharon Lynn Fisher

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 123443274-salt-broom

ISBN-13 : 9781662515682


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